Simona Romano
Ricercatrice, poliedrica, appassionante.
Since 2000, Simona has been practicing Hatha yoga, and since 2005, she has been practicing IYENGAR Yoga. With a degree in architecture, she earned a Ph.D. in Transcultural Design Studies, during which she traveled to Mumbai and Pune in India many times. There, she studied IYENGAR Yoga and delved into the theoretical aspects of yoga philosophy. In 2015, she graduated with Gabriella Giubilaro and David Melloni, with whom she continues her studies. Since 2014, she has been attending sessions with Dr. Daniela Jurisic, a specialist in physiatry, with whom she explores integrated research. Simona regularly participates in seminars both in Italy and abroad. Her scoliosis serves as a constant source of inspiration for her yoga practice.
Teacher Calendar
Iyengar Yoga Milano 2024 - 2025
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