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Antonella Barbieri

Dolce, equanime, divertente.

Co-founder of Yoga Studio Milano, now Iyengar Yoga Institute Milano, she began practicing yoga at the age of 18 under the guidance of Evelyne Disseau. In 1996, her encounter with Gurumayi Chidvilasananda opened her to a broader vision of the ancient teachings of yoga. She has been practicing the IYENGAR method since 1998 and obtained the Introductory II certificate in 2004 and the Intermediate Junior I in 2012. In addition to yoga, her life includes two other passions: teaching English at school and her daughter Viola, a constant source of inspiration.

Teacher Calendar

Iyengar Yoga Milano 2024 - 2025

  • MON.
  • TUE.
  • WED.
  • THUR.
  • FRI.
  • SAT.
  • 18:30 -
  • Antonella B.
  • 20:00 -
  • Antonella B.

    Course available in streaming    Availability in attendance completed