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Maresa Lippolis

Dinamica, osservatrice, estrosa

In Puglia in her twenties, Maresa encountered Iyengar yoga, but her passion for cinema led her to move to Milan to further her studies. In 2005, she resumed practicing yoga regularly, and since 2011 she returned to the Iyengar method, attending classes at the Iyengar Yoga Institute in Milan and learning from Chiara Travisi. Maresa is currently completing the Iyengar teacher training course under the guidance of Emilia Pagani in Ravenna.

Teacher Calendar

Iyengar Yoga Milano 2024 - 2025

  • MON.
  • TUE.
  • WED.
  • THUR.
  • FRI.
  • SAT.
  • 19:30 -
  • Maresa L.

    Course available in streaming    Availability in attendance completed