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Journal / Yoga studies

Il Blog dell’Iyengar Institute Milano per parlare di Yoga, al di là delle mode.
Approfondimenti su pratica, scienza ed affacci sul mondo accademico degli yoga studies contemporanei.

Iyengar | Pratica | Scienza

27 Dicembre 2022

Winter Immune - part 5

Chiara M. Travisi - illustrated by Svenja Karstens

Read more and find more information of the Winter Immune sequence Part-5

Iyengar | Pratica | Scienza

22 Dicembre 2022

Winter immune - part 4

Chiara M. Travisi - illustrated by Svenja Karstens

Read more and find more information of the Winter Immune sequence part -4

Iyengar | Pratica | Yoga Studies

20 Dicembre 2022

Winter Immune - part 3

Chiara M. Travisi - illustrated by Svenja Karstens

Find a focus on the third part of the Winter Immune sequence

Iyengar | Pratica | Scienza

18 Dicembre 2022

Winter Immune - part 2

Chiara M. Travisi - illustrated by Svenja Karstens

Find a focus on the second part of the Winter Immune sequence

Iyengar | Pratica | Scienza

16 Dicembre 2022

Winter Immune - part 1

Chiara M. Travisi - illustrated by Svenja Karstens

Find a focus on the first part of the Winter Immune sequence

Iyengar | Pratica | Scienza

15 Dicembre 2022

Seasonality - Winter immune yoga sequence

written by Chiara M. Travisi - illustrated by Svenja Karstens

So, how yoga can help sustain the capacity of our embodiment to produce an adequate immune response against external pathogens? The response is multifaceted and I recommend to approach it with the due level of complexity to avoid misinterpretations. Read the full article to discover more.

Iyengar | News | Pratica | Scienza

02 Novembre 2022

Fall detox - part 6

Chiara M. Travisi

Find a focus on the sixth part of the detoxifying sequence

Iyengar | News | Pratica | Scienza

01 Novembre 2022

Fall detox - part 5

Chiara M. Travisi

Find a focus on the fifth part of the detoxifying sequence

Iyengar | News | Pratica | Scienza

31 Ottobre 2022

Fall detox - part 4

Chiara M. Travisi

Find a focus on the fourth part of the detoxifying sequence

Iyengar | News | Pratica | Scienza

29 Ottobre 2022

Fall detox - part 3

Chiara M. Travisi

Find a focus on the third part of the detoxifying sequence

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