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Iyengar News Practice

Oct. 8, 2024

Lateral thinking sequence

by Chiara M. Travisi (illustrations by Svenja Kartens)


Iyengar News Practice Science Yoga Studies

Dec. 7, 2023

The Prism of Yoga

“Let 'yoga' do what it can and must do, that is, give us the discriminatory and prismatic ability to reconceptualize our gaze, making us join what could appear separate, developing an inclusive and tolerant attitude in every context. And if #yoga is utopia, the utopia of a path of individual evolution to create a community based on justice and equity, I’m fine with that and, at least, let us be inspired!

Iyengar Practice Science

Sept. 17, 2023

Summer Extend&Compact - part 8

Learn more on the last part of the Summer practice.

Iyengar Practice

Aug. 29, 2023

Summer Extend&Compact - part 7

Learn more on the extend&compact summer sequence Part 7