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Journal / Yoga studies

The Iyengar Institute Milan Blog to talk about Yoga, beyond trends.
Insights into practice, science and insights into contemporary yoga studies academia.

Iyengar | Practice

March 17, 2020

Eureka! Ho…sentito l’Iyengar Yoga

Nicol Koronel

Una riflessione personale su un metodo che ci parla di un tempo lungo, quando tutto vuole essere veloce e su quei momenti in cui capiamo con il corpo e facciamo esperienza di una trasformazione inequivocabile che toglie necessita’ al discorso.

Iyengar | News | Practice | Science | Yoga Studies

March 4, 2020

Yoga at the time of coronavirus

Chiara M. Travisi

What do we need yoga for during the coronavirus? Exercises to strengthen the immune system or test of the Patanjialian system? Who heads who? Yoga is the test of resistance to the virus yoghin or the virus makes us test concretely, for example in terms of anxiety management, if the effect of the practice of yoga on our mental condition is actually what you want?

Iyengar | News | Practice | Science | Yoga Studies

Nov. 28, 2019

Yoga and injuries from vanity

Chiara M. Travisi

The debate on the potential injury risks of yoga is not recent but now more than ever it seems that the main risk is not the practice itself but the vanity of practitioners.

Iyengar | News

Sept. 20, 2019

Sulla didattica nell’Iyengar Yoga: sicura, accurata, trasformativa, profonda

Chiara M. Travisi

Fare yog-asana e pranayama senza rischi ed imparare gradualmente, con accuratezza, per ottenere benefici duraturi e facendo del corpo un luogo di meditazione. Ecco gli ingredienti della didattica Iyengar.

Iyengar | Practice | Yoga Studies

Sept. 18, 2019

Yoga is an open architecture

Chiara M. Travisi

Precision in Iyengar yoga practice must not be confused for dogmatism. In fact, we find exact the opposite is true: Iyengar yoga, and yoga in general, is an open architecture.


June 19, 2019

Asana: a great academy for the embodiment

Chiara Travisi

Riflessioni brevi e sparse dal Centenario della nascita di B.K.S. Iyengar


June 19, 2019

L’emblematico trikonasana

Chiara M. Travisi

Trikonasana è la prima posizione in piedi che gli allievi di Iyengar Yoga praticano, ma anche una delle più difficili da padroneggiare.


June 19, 2019

Che senso ha insegnare e praticare yoga oggi?

Simona Romano

Una possibile risposta alla provocatoria conferenza del Prof. Squarcini su: "La fine del fare yoga".

Iyengar | Science

June 19, 2019

Movement, action and mirrow neurons

Chiara M. Travisi

“Action is movement with intelligence. The world is filled with movement. What the world needs is more conscious movement, more action.” B.K.S. Iyengar

Iyengar | News | Practice | Science | Yoga Studies

June 5, 2019

Calmness and pranayama

Chiara M. Travisi

How come breathing is the basis of many traditions Yoga, meditation and not only?

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