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Oct. 4, 2024

October Retreat with Chiara in Caprino Bergamasco Italy

Dear everyone,

We also offer for the fall season a residential seminar in Caprino Bergamasco, Italy at the Anuttara Retreat Center from Friday, Oct. 4 to Sunday, Oct. 6, 2024. The seminar is open to all students of all levels. In case of foreign students, the classes will also be in English.


Friday, October 4: check-in from 5 p.m., dinner and overnight stay;
Saturday, Oct. 5: pranayama, breakfast, practice, lunch, practice, dinner, overnight stay; 
Sunday, Oct. 6: pranayama, breakfast, practice, lunch, check out from 2 p.m. 


The facility offers double and triple rooms and a wonderful vegetarian and vegan menu. It is possible to inform the staff of any food allergies and intolerances. 


Fee includes: full board, overnight accommodations, access all classes with Chiara Travisi; fully equipped props room. 


You can reserve your place (attendance only) by filling out the form below and making payment. 


For information write to; whatsappa +393755720790.- 



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