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Oct. 27, 2024

Sunday's Learning

On the occasion of our 20 years of practice we are offering the new Sunday's Learning to all students, and to thank all our subscribers, semiannual or annual, we are happy to offer the 10 Sunday seminars at the promotional rate of 50%.





Sunday, October 27, 2024 “Mobility, Stability and Strength. Iyengar Yoga for body harmony” with Chiara Travisi


Sunday, Nov. 10, 2024 “Over 60: Happy Structure. An active practice to maintain flexibility and tone over time” with Olga Dalì


Sunday, January 12, 2025 “Focus, energy and joy. Iyengar Yoga for nervous system health” with Chiara Travisi


Sunday, Jan. 26, 2025 “Long Live the Joints” with Antonella Barbieri


Sunday, Feb. 23, 2025 “Lightness in the Hips” with Maresa Lippolis


Sunday, March 16, 2025 “Torsions” with Simona Bubola


Sunday, March 30, 2025 “Avanti tutti” with Diego Maraston


Sunday, April 6, 2025 “Balancing the Knee” with Fabio Cifelli


Sunday, May 11, 2025 “Against Backpain. Alleviating and supporting back work” with Francesco Merletti


Sunday, May 25, 2025 “Thinking with Feet. The feet, the basics of Iyengar Yoga” with Nicol Koronel



All appointments will be held at the St. Augustine location (unless otherwise indicated by prior notice) from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in presence and live streaming (Italian language). 



For registration: whatsapp +39 375 572 0790; email