Jan. 26, 2024
Series of meetings

On Friday, January 26, 2024, the first meeting of the series "Anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology related to the practice of yoga asanas" will be held. 
From 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. streamed through the Zoom platform and in-person persso the studio at Via Numa Pompilio, 3 Milan. 
An opportunity to acquire the tools to understand in depth the biomechanics of asanas with insights into aspects related to the most common pathologies. The course is open to students, certified Iyengar® teachers or mentees in training. 
Etienne Philippe is an osteopath, manual physician and physical therapist. A lecturer in anatomy and joint physiology within yoga, as well as a convinced practitioner; Chiara Travisi is a Level teacher, examiner and expert mentor in IYENGAR® Yoga. 
For information and reservations write to info@iyengaryogamilano.it; whatsapp 375 572 0790.