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Jan. 11, 2025

Iyengar lab for advanced students

Saturday, January 11, 2025 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.



“Balancing the Nervous System” with Chiara Travisi. A practice suitable for experienced students within the Iyengar Lab 2024/2025 program. 



Iyangar Lab Calendar


Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2024 “Pillars of back extensions” with Emilia Pagani

January 11, 2025 “Balancing the nervous system” with Chiara Travisi

Feb. 7-8-9, 2025 “Pillars of forward extensions” with Glenn Ceresoli

March 1-2, 2025 “Pillars of twisting” with Chiara Travisi



If you are a practitioner of the IYENGAR® method of advanced yeastwork, you can join by filling out the form below. The membership fee is €90 you can make the payment directly on the website. 



For information:; whatsapp +39 375 5720790


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