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Nov. 30, 2024

Iyengar Lab for advanced learners

Iyengar Lab 2024/2025 - Yoga practices according to the IYENGAR® method for advanced level students.


Four weekend appointments with Emilia Pagani, Glenn Ceresoli and Chiara Travisi to learn more about the pillars of the Iyengar Yoga practice. The seminars are open to level 3 and 4 students and other students who wish to approach the Iyengar method with a desire for knowledge and upon request to be forwarded to the Institute. 



Calendar of the Iyengar Lab

Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2024 “Pillars of back extensions” with Emilia Pagani
January 11, 2025 “Balancing the nervous system” with Chiara Travisi
Feb. 7-8-9, 2025 “Pillars of forward extensions” with Glenn Ceresoli
March 1-2, 2025 “Pillars of twisting” with Chiara Travisi



It is possible to register through our website, selecting the Lab of your interest or by writing to; whatsapp +39 3755720790